Recent synchronized meditations have shown us one thing ~ Humanity is ready to use the power of prayer to create a new world.

I have been honored to play my role in this expansion of consciousness, and I am grateful for you playing yours. Focused, synchronized prayer is not only a powerful force, but in my opinion, the most powerful force in the Universe. Are you ready to apply this energy more than just occasionally? Are you prepared to join millions of people every month, focusing your prayers of peace on an area of conflict, war or environmental disaster?

The Biggest Commitment of My Life 

I am prepared to play my part, and I hope you'll join me. Will you commit to spend 15 minutes every month meditating for peace in an area of great conflict or war?

Fifteen minutes a month is all I'm asking for. And here's what I promise to do:

Each month I will travel to a country of great conflict or war to focus the energy of millions of people! DID YOU READ THAT? I will actually travel to a conflicted area of the world every month while millions of people join together in monthly synchronized meditations. Imagine how quickly we can transform humanity if we apply the power of prayer to a situation in our world every month!

Will You Commit to 15 Minutes A Month?

That's all we are asking. This is the first announcement for this ambitious worldwide effort. The first synchronized meditation will take place on August 6th from Hiroshima, Japan. The focus will be on the cessation of all nuclear weapons, perhaps the most important issue of our time.


Share this email with everyone you know. If you have received this email from a friend you can join us by going to and registering. You will join hundreds of thousands of people who have already committed 15 minutes each month to meditating for peace.

James Twyman

Enjoy This Special Gift 

Last week I had the honor of participating in the "Soul of WoMen" celebration at the foot of Mt. Fuji in Japan. Thousands of people were at the event and tens of thousands around the world participated during the synchronized meditation.

Watch the Event by Clicking Here:

Listen to this new song

My friends in Japan shared a very special prayer with me called "Ware Soku Kami Nari" which means "I Am A Divine Being." It is one of the most beautiful and inspiring prayers I have ever heard and I immediately put it to music - in 5 MINUTES. I hope you will listen to the song and share it with everyone you know. Please share it far and wide. The prayer has the potential of igniting a prayerful revolution and helping us remember our Divine Inheritance.

CLICK BELOW to listen to Ware Soku Kami Nari:

Ware Soku Kami Nari (I Am A Divine Being)
The words I speak are the words of God.
The thoughts I emit are the thoughts of God.
The action I take are the actions of God.

The words, thoughts and actions of God are abundantly overflowing with infinite love, infinite wisdom, infinite joy, infinite happiness, infinite gratitude, infinite life, infinite health, infinite light, infinite energy, infinite power, infinite success and infinite supply. They are nothing more, nothing else.

Therefore, WARE SOKU KAMI NARI, I speak, think and act just as God does.

I will brighten and elevate myself to become none other than God so that when others see me they cannot help but think they have seen God.

Those who have seen me have seen God.

I emanate light and continue to radiate the most supreme infinite love of God to all mankind.

James Twyman


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